An exhibition of works made for my Master of Fine Art (by Research) degree in drawing at The College of Fine Art, UNSW (now UNSW Art & Design), completed in 2011.
Exhibition photographs by Greg Piper.

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

between objects and images, gallery view, 2011

object diagrams, 2010
stoneware, ceramic stains and wire,
h 19 cm
Selected individual works photographed by Tania Rollond.

untitled objects, 2009
porcelain, ceramic pencil and wire
h approx 10 cm

to form appearances, 2009
spray paint on paper
30 x 17 cm

between objects and images, 2010
porcelain with ceramic pencil and metal oxides
21 x 22 x 12 cm

to form appearances, 2011
cut paper
28 x 18 cm

object diagram, 2010
stoneware with ceramic stains and wire
dimensions variable

object diagram, 2010
stoneware with ceramic stains and wire
dimensions variable

recognition (detail), 2011
cut paper
each piece 9 x 6 cm